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Live your dreams ! Inspire others !
The highest rank in between the trainers, we call Ambassadors. They are High School Trainers. All Ambassadors have equal rank. However, Ambassadors can take on different functions or assignements, for example as Judge/ Co-Judge, as Regional Spokesman, Country Spokesman, and more.
It is possible to follow blanq as an Ambassador even without trainer status. Ambassadors are ambassadors who live and present ideals of blanq. As a Non-Trainer-Ambassador, you have no trainer status, or you can also be a passive trainer.
Trainers are built up in three Level: Trainer A: Basic Trainer, Trainer B: Advanced Trainer, Trainer C : Academic Trainer.
The position of Honorary Fellow is granted when a special honor is shown to a horse or a human being.
Trainers are built up in three Level: Trainer A: Basic Trainer, Trainer B: Advanced Trainer, Trainer C : Academic Trainer
It is also possible to follow blanq as Non- Trainer- Ambassador. Non- Trainer- Ambassadors are people who live and represent the ideals of blanq.
The position Honorary Fellow is given when a special honor is shown to a horse or to a person.