blanq ambassador

Angela Remie

"The blanq philosophy resonates enormously for me. blanq goes much further than just training horses. It is a guide to a more valuable lifestyle."


Angela Remie / blanq Ambassador The Netherlands


"Being together from the heart, with and for horses is my passion. Making horse owners and trainers more aware is my life mission. I help combinations by developing a mutual communication from the heart. So that they really understand each other. I let people experience the purity of the horse. Give the horse the space to show its purity. An authentic connection. Big thanks to all my horses and the horses I have already met on my learning path. The horses that helped me to develop this beautiful friendly method!

The blanq group strengthend my own vision of horse training. Knowing that this group works with a logical system based on the behavior and physical qualities of the horse. Where the individual, in this case the horse we are together with, also has a voice.

The reason for me to connect with blanq community, to be member and an Ambassador is:

Because we can join beautiful forces from the hearts. in dutch: mooie krachten vanuit onze harten. "

Angela (born 1970) loved to surround herself with horses from childhood. Like many children, she started riding at a riding school when she was 8 years old. She soon got a pony of her own. Over the years she has gained a wealth of experience with many different horses and over 25 different horse breeds. The horse breeds that Angela currently owns and trains include a PRE stallion, KWPN, Thoroughbred cross Trakehner and a Fjord.




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