Sandra Mauer my way
and my vision

Be balanced, stay focused, be yourself and give it a try!

Sandra Mauer / Founder


Horses have always been my great passion. In 1996 the Rhineland-German cold blood gelding Arthur came into my life as the first horse of my own. Here, however, I often reached my limits and had to assert myself against refusing to dressage- ride a cold-blooded horse instead of trying to draft the horse in front of the carriage. I was looking for a casual dressage training, but with a horse that was not created for dressage. The riding accompanied me intensively alongside my full-time job as a nurse, as well as a studied nurse and quality management officer.

In 2004 my love for nature led me into the cold blood horse scene, into a 5-year collaboration in ecological horse-operated agriculture and forestry and into self-employment. During this time I started teaching as mobile trainer, wrote a book, published in 2008, wrote content for horse magazines and organized my first horse events with around 600 visitors.

In 2009 my life took a decisive turn. With the takeover of a horse-facility, my work developed into europeanwide teaching and the development of trainers (Train the Trainer), as well as further eventmanagement. In addition to my full-time job as a trainer and coach, in 2011 I had the experience of becoming the mother of a wonderful daughter.

In 2017, however, my life took a fateful turn and I started to work in healthcare again. Last but not least, it was my daughter who expressed the wish for a horse in 2018 ... In 2019 I resumed my original thoughts of a training concept for riders and my original orientation.

The inspiration for what we call blanq today came indeed from another person, to whom I owe a very big lot.



Start of training salespartners

Release of the blanq-saddle


Development of a blanq-saddle


Development of a blanq-saddle
Conception and development of a training and examination system for horse physiotherapy
Development of a treatment concept for horse physiotherapy


Start of developing a blanq-saddle
Development of sustainable products. (Natural soaps, blanq-soaps)
Continueing development of products for the Academic Art of Riding & Horsemanship (bridles & cavesons, felt saddles & felt saddle pads)
Start of exams of students

blanq - the more of less Managing Coach
Development of products for the Academic Art of Riding & Horsemanship (bridles & cavesons, felt saddles & felt saddle pads)
Starting a YouTube Chanel

Elaboration and development of an own brand with the objective target of sustainable products and support for basic work for riders and horses.
Elaboration of a training and examination manual with certification system for riders

renewed self-emoyeement: advisory and coaching activity, life counseling, pastoral care
Book publications: "Fachbuch Demenz” (Dementia reference book) and " Demenz- und Pflegeratgeber für Angehörige” (Dementia and care guide for relatives).

Change, break, reorientation and chief medical secretary international private clinic for oncology

Lessons and clinics across Europe
Train the Trainer clinics and lectures in German and English across Europe
Building up trainers
Attending Europe-wide saddler training courses and own saddle training courses

Management of a 7ha riding facility
Teaching and coaching activity as a trainer in the field of "Academic Art of Riding"
Various events / eventmanagement, various exams and advanced training around horses and
exam preparations for students with successful degrees.

Book publication: "Wege zur Reitkunst, Warum Pferde unser Leben verändern und bereichern können.” (Paths to the Art of Riding, Why horses can change and enrich our lives).

Education in systemic work
Degree in "Alternative Practitioner for General Medicine and Psychotherapy"
Qualification systemic constellations / animal constellations / family constellations
Certificate "Equestrian Sports Medicine", Academy for Occupational Safety and Health Protection
Saddle training and sales of baroque saddles and cavessons

Diploma equine naturopath (Alternative Practioner for Horses)

Self- Employeement: Start as a mobile trainer, Saddle and accessory advice
Cooperation in ecological horse-operated agriculture and forestry


Quality management officer TÜV

QMB TÜV QMB healthcare and social service providers QMB TÜV cross-industry 2002 Studied nursing management with a degree in nursing management from a university of applied sciences in 2002: Topic of the diploma thesis "Incorrect occupancy in the hospital due to dementia-related care problems" Full-time health insurance company: Career manager in the hospital department (hospital case management) and dementia project group Basics of psychology, autogenic training and self-awareness, occupational safety and health protection Participation in advanced training in quality management systems and internal audit (DGQ) Organizational development and knowledge management (educational leave) Institutional management and quality management Full-time Social Services Officer MDK audit Further training as an internal auditor as well as a course on audit-testing and conducting
internal audits in the healthcare sectoras a consultant for social services with successful exams by the MDK

Final examination for general nurse:
Palliative and intensive Homecare after exam and part-time alongside university
*1975 Sandra Henkel